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The journey to your highest spirituality starts with spiritual protection practices, purification of your energy and your desire and intention to get closer to your highest spiritual expression. Meditation, Reiki Energy Healing and Spirit Guide channeling are helpful spiritual tools that can help you reach your highest spiritual goals.

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Mon - Sat 10.00AM - 6.00PM



Restoration and Renewal

Restoration and Renewal

balanceRestoration and Renewal

Many times on our spiritual path we find ourselves in a crossroads, where we must discern between that which is appropriate, nurturing, and promotes growth and that which will hold us back.

These significant life changes, even when the changes are good for us, or even when the changes are what we truly want, require a period of adjusting to our new situation. This process of adjustment can take a toll on our energy, at many levels.

I have found that it is important to recognize these periods of restoration and renewal. Not recognizing that we need to put ourselves on pause to renew ourselves can drain our energy and can be counterproductive.

Just like a tree in the fall, there are times when we need to allow ourselves to shed that which does not apply to who we are intending to become and allow this process of restoration to take place. This means less engagement with others, more time on our own to meditate, decree, pray, and be within ourselves long enough to regain comfort and stability.

When we are in a cycle of restoration and renewal it is beneficial to do some type of body work, whether that is reflexology, or massage to move the energy. Reiki is also a good way to regain balance and purify that which is coming to pass. Once we have renewed ourselves we will come out brighter, stronger, with clarity and renewed purpose.

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