
Welcome to meditation3.com

The journey to your highest spirituality starts with spiritual protection practices, purification of your energy and your desire and intention to get closer to your highest spiritual expression. Meditation, Reiki Energy Healing and Spirit Guide channeling are helpful spiritual tools that can help you reach your highest spiritual goals.

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Monday – Saturday 10.00AM – 6.00PM

Mon - Sat 10.00AM - 6.00PM


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Learn to meditate

Learn to meditate

In my spiritual practice, I speak with a lot of people that would like to learn to meditate but find it difficult to concentrate or cannot become still enough.

After meditating for more than 15 years and teaching people from all backgrounds how to meditate I have found that an important first step in a meditation practice is to determine your meditation purpose, the reason why you want to learn to meditate. This can be to alleviate stress, to help heal, to improve your creativity, to connect to your higher power, or to help you through a difficult time.

Once we have identified the reason why you want to meditate I evaluate your energy to determine what combination of processes and techniques will match you to make your meditation practice as effective for you as possible.

There are many different ways to meditate. The most common one is to sit in silence, eyes closed, slowing down our breathing and focusing on one particular word or phrase. This is the most difficult way to meditate and the one that requires the most experience, therefore not the best meditation practice for beginners.

In a meditation class, we review your meditation goals, your meditation experience, and your energy configuration and I design a personalized meditation routine of 5-10 steps that to the surprise of many will keep you in a deep meditative state for 10-30 minutes.

The meditation class is one hour, in the first half we review the best meditation techniques for you and in the second half I take you through the entire meditation and I answer any questions you may have during your meditation.




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