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The journey to your highest spirituality starts with spiritual protection practices, purification of your energy and your desire and intention to get closer to your highest spiritual expression. Meditation, Reiki Energy Healing and Spirit Guide channeling are helpful spiritual tools that can help you reach your highest spiritual goals.

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Mon - Sat 10.00AM - 6.00PM



The power of prayer


The power of prayer


Prayer is one of the most powerful spiritual practices that we can do.

Prayer can take many forms depending on your spiritual or religious background, just like your definition of God may take many forms depending of where you are standing in your spiritual path. As a whole, prayer should be a joyful declaration of your understanding and union with God.

In our daily spiritual work, we should have a few moments during the day where we sit in prayer and in communion with the presence of God, knowing, understanding, feeling and being grateful for the presence of God in us. That is prayer.

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