
Welcome to meditation3.com

The journey to your highest spirituality starts with spiritual protection practices, purification of your energy and your desire and intention to get closer to your highest spiritual expression. Meditation, Reiki Energy Healing and Spirit Guide channeling are helpful spiritual tools that can help you reach your highest spiritual goals.

Working Hours

Monday – Saturday 10.00AM – 6.00PM


Welcome to meditation3.com

The journey to your highest spirituality starts with spiritual protection practices, purification of your energy and your desire and intention to get closer to your highest spiritual expression. Meditation, Reiki Energy Healing and Spirit Guide channeling are helpful spiritual tools that can help you reach your highest spiritual goals.

Working Hours

Monday – Saturday 10.00AM – 6.00PM

Mon - Sat 10.00AM - 6.00PM



healing Tag

Para la Gloria de Dios

Es muchas veces desconocido el hecho que para poder ofrecer servicios espirituales para otras personas es necesario mantener nuestra energía suficientemente elevada y purificada. Este proceso de purificación toma un gran esfuerzo energético y también una gran inversión de tiempo a diario. Muchos de mis clientes están...


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